We routinely review our listings to ensure that users enjoy trading the best available coins. After careful review, we have decided to officially delist PAXG, BNT, and AUDIO as they no longer meet our listing standards.
Key Dates:
November 25th: PAXG (Pax Gold), BNT (Bancor) ,and AUDIO (Audius) deposit will be halted.
December 27th: Trading PAXG (Pax Gold), BNT (Bancor), and AUDIO (Audius) (i.e., both buying and selling) will be halted at 6:00 PM EST. However, you still have time to withdraw PAXG, BNT, and AUDIO from our platform until January 13th.
January 13th: Support for PAXG (Pax Gold), BNT (Bancor), and AUDIO (Audius) ends at 6:00 PM EST. All PAXG (Pax Gold), BNT (Bancor), and AUDIO (Audius) held within VirgoCX accounts will automatically be liquidated for Canadian dollars.
Please note that:
Liquidation will occur at the prevailing market price offered at our liquidity providers at the time of liquidation and any foreign exchange costs incurred by VirgoCX during this process will be passed on to you.
Additionally, VirgoCX will charge a manual liquidation fee equal to either the value of your manually liquidated assets or $30 CAD, whichever is smaller. To avoid your assets being liquidated, please ensure that you have either sold or withdrawn your PAXG (Pax Gold), BNT (Bancor), and AUDIO (Audius) before January 13th 6:00 PM EST.
Should you have any enquiry, please contact: support@virgocx.ca
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